A telenovela (Brazilian soap opera) based on Herbert Read’s political sci-fi, ‘The Green Child’ (1935), played out between actors in London and Rio de Janeiro against the backdrop of London’s Olympic landscape using blue-screen technology. All three episodes were performed before studio audiences on board the Floating Cinema (London) and at CASA 24 (Rio de Janeiro), and live streamed via UP Projects’ website on 30th July, 2016. Contracorrente / Upstream was conceived by Leah Lovett and created by Leah Lovett and Maria Eugenia Lombardini in partnership with UP Projects and Foundation for Future London with performers Freddie King, Raphael dos Santos, and Farelis Silva (Rio de Janeiro) Rocio Galan, Tessa Parr, and Rafael Pereira (London). Running duration (3 episodes), approx. 60’00”.