Performance and limited edition print for performers, commissioned for A Small Hiccup at Grand Union, Birmingham and touring.
A group makes a loop from a gallery space, through the city, a shopping centre, the Bullring, an industrial park, and back again. We move at arms’-length from one another, and from others who move through the group. We clap. When one rhythm connects we listen, still clapping, for a different rhythm to take hold.
I am surprised by how many join in. A driver hoots his horn. A swagger of twenty-something men up for a Friday night jeer, “YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF WANKERS”, then clap. They laugh. We laugh. A couple at the traffic lights joins the group for as long as our routes coincide. Others don’t appear to notice us at all. A man smiles and, bringing hands together, sets us off on a different beat. A police car tacks alongside. Then, for a moment, looking up, birds flock directly overhead.